GETHSEMANE by David Hare A genius story about the ruthless world of politics...
The play of the famous English writer, David Hare that was originally staged at the National Theater of England in 2008, enacted by THOC and directed by Aliki Danezi-Knutsen. A genius and brilliantly challenging story about the world of politics, with main characters the Minister of Home Affairs, her teenage daughter, the country’s Prime Minister, a journalist, a public officer and his visionary professor wife, and the cold-blooded Prime Minister’s “partner”, who ensures the party’s financing.
Adapted and Directed by: Aliki Danezi-Knutsen
Translation: Eri Kyrgia
Art: Kiki Pitta
Costumes: Stelios F. Stylianou
Music: Georgos Christodoulides
Lighting Design: Stavros Tartaris
Actors: Margarita Zachariou, Alexandros Parisis, Marios Konstantinou, Varnavas Kyriazis, Elena Papadopoulou, Niki Dragoumi, Christina Christofia, Andreas Koutsoumpas, Neoklis Neokleous
PREMIERE: April 5th, 2013
National Theater of Cyprus